Asset Management

One of the earliest and still one of the most relevant definitions of Asset Management was provided by The American Public Works Association Asset Management Task Force in 1998 as,

“…a methodology needed by those who are responsible for efficiently allocating generally insufficient funds amongst valid and competing needs.”[1]

The 1956 Eisenhower Interstate System (Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956) and the German Autobahn have both proven that world class transportation systems foster economic growth, international and domestic commerce, and tourism.

Congressional leaders understand that these world class systems cannot be allowed to fall out of a  “State of Good Repair”, so in 1991 it began to take a series of progressive legislative steps designed to facilitate the ongoing transformation of policy, planning and asset management necessary to improve the accountability required to sustain the immensely valuable National Highway System (NHS).


Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) 

As part of a national pilot project, Louisiana DOTD was one of three (3) DOTs selected to work closely with the Federal Highway Administration to create a Pilot TAMP to serve as a guide for other states to develop their plans. The Pilot TAMP was completed in 2015 and has led to numerous operational and functional updates and improvements with regards to advancing asset management practices at LADOTD.

The TAMP formalizes the concepts of risk management and life cycle planning while expanding these concepts throughout the entire analysis and project selection process.

On April 30, 2018, LADOTD produced the 2018 Federal NHS Transportation Asset Management Plan provided here for review. This document is expected to fully comply with the FHWA certification process, with minimal modification requirements, and will serve as the premier guide to federal asset management at LADOTD going forward.


[1] FHWA Office of Asset Management, Asset Management Primer, December 1999


Downloads (TAMP and Supporting Documents)


 Asset Management

LADOTD TAMP Pilot Version.pdf
3/16/2015 12:48 PM1848 KB
LADOTD TAMP 2018 Version.pdf
4/30/2018 8:23 AM2826 KB
LADOTD Distress Identification Protocol for Concrete Pavements V1-28-2019A.pdf
3/25/2019 7:44 AM4256 KB
LADOTD Distress Identification Protocol for Asphalt Pavements V1-28-2019A.pdf
3/25/2019 7:44 AM3645 KB
LADOTD Distress Identification Protocol General Guidelines for All Pavements V1-25-2019A.pdf
3/25/2019 7:45 AM645 KB
LADOTD TAMP 2019 Final Issued.pdf
10/21/2020 9:02 AM3266 KB
LADOTD Pavement Data Quality Management Program 2021.8.5.pdf
8/5/2021 1:15 PM1107 KB
LADOTD TAMP 2022 Final Issued.pdf
1/27/2023 10:40 AM6819 KB

 DOTD Contacts WS


225-379-1159Asset Management Engineer