​State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The purpose of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is to provide for a fiscally sound, set (1-4 years) capital improvement plan for the state’s surface transportation program. The STIP is not just a document, but is part of a fully integrated process for transportation planning and transportation project selection. The STIP is updated as needed to document the results of the project selection process.

The STIP has been developed through a coordinated and cooperative process by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) involving citizens, elected officials, Tribal governments, other state and federal agencies, each of Louisiana’s ten metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), and other interested organizations.

The STIP establishes schedules for a variety of projects, including:

    • Highways and bridges;
    • Bicycle and pedestrian facilities;
    • Highway safety;
    • Congestion mitigation and air quality improvement;
    • Railroad crossing safety;
    • Highway operations and motorist services;
    • Public transportation; and
    • Capacity Expansion, etc.

Louisiana operates under a federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) and our STIP must be approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). This multi-year and multi-modal program identifies the transportation projects that have been through an inclusive and ongoing public involvement process.

STIP Documents

Approved 2023 2024 2025 2026 STIP (11-21-2022).pdf
11/21/20227745 KB
Current 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 STIP.pdf
8/13/2024391 KB


STIP Amendments

STIP 2023 Amendment 01.pdf
11/29/202255 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 02.pdf
1/3/202370 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 03-R.pdf
2/28/202357 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 04.pdf
3/21/202371 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 05.pdf
3/31/202368 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 06.pdf
5/24/202368 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 07.pdf
7/3/202362 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 08.pdf
9/1/202357 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 09.pdf
11/20/202379 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 10.pdf
4/16/202472 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 11-R2.pdf
5/17/202458 KB
STIP 2023 Amendment 12.pdf
8/13/202450 KB