Documents and Maps

 Waterway Documents


 Waterway Documents

OMC Navigation Fact Booklet.pdf
4/4/2018 9:42 AM3868 KB
2016 Marine Transportation System Booklet.pdf
4/4/2018 9:55 AM1488 KB
Houma Navigation Canal Deepening Project Section 203 Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM11074 KB
Appendix A - Engineering.pdf
8/14/2019 3:16 PM30741 KB
Appendix B - NFS Letter of Intent.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM3561 KB
Appendix C - Real Estate Plan.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM3530 KB
Appendix D - Economic Benefits.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM1570 KB
Appendix E - Final Coordination Act Report.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM1949 KB
Appendix F - HTRW.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM21600 KB
Appendix G - Cultural Resources.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM57693 KB
Appendix H - Environmental.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM6638 KB
Appendix I - Public Notice Comments.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM21 KB
Appendix J - Public Scoping Meeting Report.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM2995 KB
Appendix K - Alternative Costs.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM1812 KB
Appendix L - Abreviated Risk Analysis.pdf
8/14/2019 2:52 PM1066 KB
Appendix M - MII Cost Estimate.pdf
8/14/2019 2:53 PM33765 KB
Appendix N - Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis.pdf
8/14/2019 2:53 PM467 KB
Appendix O - Quality Control.pdf
8/14/2019 2:53 PM2672 KB
ASACW Review Assessment of HNC Deepening Project.pdf
8/14/2019 3:11 PM551 KB
Response to ASACW Comments on HNC Deepening Project.pdf
8/14/2019 3:11 PM13791 KB
ASACW Letter of Determination on the Feasibilty of the Houma Navigation Canal Deepening Project.pdf
8/14/2019 3:12 PM88 KB

Waterway Maps 


 Waterway Maps

4/4/2018 9:52 AM409 KB
Louisiana MTS Map.png
4/4/2018 9:55 AM688 KB
