

Mission: : To provide environmental planning, analysis and documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and to obtain scenic stream, wetland, coastal use, levee, and bridge permits for Departmental projects.
Folder: Finding of No Significant ImpactFinding of No Significant Impact2/18/2021 10:53 AM
0_Environmental Assessment.pdf0_Environmental Assessment10/21/2019 9:13 AM14844 KB
1_Appendix A - Line and Grade.pdf1_Appendix A - Line and Grade10/21/2019 9:16 AM108197 KB
2a_Appendix B - Acadian IMR Draft.pdf2a_Appendix B - Acadian IMR Draft10/21/2019 9:17 AM43951 KB
2b_Appendix B - College IMR Draft.pdf2b_Appendix B - College IMR Draft10/21/2019 9:19 AM41727 KB
2c_Appendix B - Washington-Dalrymple IMR Draft.pdf2c_Appendix B - Washington-Dalrymple IMR Draft10/21/2019 9:20 AM40330 KB
3_Appendix C - Agency Correspondence.pdf3_Appendix C - Agency Correspondence10/21/2019 9:21 AM19764 KB
4_Appendix D - Wetland Finding.pdf4_Appendix D - Wetland Finding10/21/2019 9:22 AM11308 KB
5_Appendix E - Noise Analysis.pdf5_Appendix E - Noise Analysis10/21/2019 9:23 AM120127 KB
6_ Appendix F - Air Quality Analysis.pdf6_ Appendix F - Air Quality Analysis10/21/2019 9:24 AM5070 KB
7a_ Appendix G - Phase I ESA Report.pdf7a_ Appendix G - Phase I ESA Report10/21/2019 11:32 AM37417 KB
7b_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix A.pdf7b_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix A10/21/2019 11:33 AM42975 KB
7c_ Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices B and C.pdf7c_ Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices B and C10/21/2019 11:34 AM12154 KB
7d_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 1 of 6.pdf7d_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 1 of 610/21/2019 1:16 PM71020 KB
7e_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 2 of 6.pdf7e_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 2 of 610/21/2019 1:19 PM115753 KB
7f_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 3 of 6.pdf7f_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 3 of 610/21/2019 1:24 PM54089 KB
7g_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 4 of 6.pdf7g_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 4 of 610/21/2019 1:28 PM110839 KB
7h_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 5 of 6.pdf7h_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 5 of 610/21/2019 1:30 PM100942 KB
7i_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 6 of 6.pdf7i_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendix D Part 6 of 610/21/2019 1:33 PM119385 KB
7j_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices E and F.pdf7j_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices E and F10/21/2019 1:36 PM71290 KB
7k_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices G and H.pdf7k_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices G and H10/21/2019 1:37 PM99665 KB
7l_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices I and J.pdf7l_Appendix G - Phase I ESA Appendices I and J10/21/2019 1:38 PM17668 KB
8a_Appendix H - H1 Section 4f Evaluation.pdf8a_Appendix H - H1 Section 4f Evaluation10/21/2019 1:39 PM12395 KB
8b_Appendix H - H2A Section 4f de minimis Finding_Historic.pdf8b_Appendix H - H2A Section 4f de minimis Finding_Historic10/21/2019 1:40 PM3787 KB
8c_Appendix H - H2B Section 4f de minimis Finding_Parks.pdf8c_Appendix H - H2B Section 4f de minimis Finding_Parks10/21/2019 1:43 PM84526 KB
9_Appendix I - Public and Agency Outreach Summary.pdf9_Appendix I - Public and Agency Outreach Summary10/21/2019 1:44 PM46625 KB
9a_Appendix H - H1 Section 4f Evaluation_with 11-2019 PA.pdf9a_Appendix H - H1 Section 4f Evaluation_with 11-2019 PA11/14/2019 11:11 AM13372 KB


Location Information
Physical AddressEnvironmental Section
1201 Capitol Access Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Mailing AddressP.O. Box 94245
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9245
Phone Number(225) 242-4502
Fax Number(225) 242-4500

225-242-4501Environmental Engineer Administrator
225-242-4512Engineer Intern (Noise/Air and Site Assessments)
225-242-4532Environmental Engineer (Noise/Air and Site Assessments)
225-242-4518Environmental Impact Specialist (Biological Resources)
225-242-4502Administrative Assistant 5
225-242-4592Environmental Compliance Specialist (Wastewater)
225-242-4506Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-242-4520Environmental Impact Manager
225-242-4508Environmental Impact Manager
225-242-4505Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-379-1317Permit Technician
225-242-4513Engineer Intern II Environmental
225-242-4515Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-242-4581Environmental Impact Specialist (Vibration & Inactive UST)
225-242-4511Environmental Impact Specialist (Biological Resources)
225-242-4553Environmental Compliance Manager
225-242-4524Environmental Impact Specialist-DCL (biology/wetlands and T&E)
985-375-0179Environmental Compliance Specialist (Stormwater/Wastewater)
225-242-4504Assistant Environmental Engineer Administrator
225-242-4507Environmental Engineer (Noise/Air & Site Assessments)
225-242-4516Engineer Intern (Noise/Air & Site Assessments)
225-242-4517Environmental Impact Specialist DCL (Archaeology)
225-242-4580Environmental Impact Specialist (Solid and Hazardous Waste)
337-437-9278Environmental Impact Specialist - DCL (Haz Mat Assessment)
225-242-4509Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-242-4503Environmental Impact Specialist (Biologist)
225-242-4565Environmental Compliance Specialist (UST and AST)
225-242-4566Environmental Compliance Specialist, Stormwater
225-242-4514Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
318-342-0173Environmental Compliance Specialist (Stormwater/Wastewater)
