Major Truck Routes
Major truck routes are also expected to change by 2045. The maps below show the change of major truck routes in 2045 compared to 2012:

Jason's Law Truck Parking Survey Results 
Jason’s Law was specific in requiring DOT to perform three main tasks as part of a survey and comparative assessment: 1) evaluate State capability to provide adequate truck parking; 2) assess truck volumes in each State; and 3) develop a system of metrics to measure parking in each State
Freight Movement by Truck in Louisiana
Freight movement by truck in Louisiana relies heavily on the IHS . I-10, I-12, and I-20 provide much of the East -west movement for trucks, while I-49, I-55, and I-59 facilitate north-south truck freight movements.
This can be seen graphic above, which shows the truck tonnage flows in Louisiana in 2012. Other roadways critical to truck freight are US 84 between Natchitoches and Winnfield and US 190 between Baton Rouge and Opelousas.