Local Public Agencies Manual and Appendix



Acronyms-Abreviations.pdfAcronyms-Abreviations5/31/2017 7:16 AM233 KB
Appendix A - Consultant Contract Sample Information.pdfAppendix A - Consultant Contract Sample Information6/1/2017 8:13 AM172 KB
Appendix B - Utility Checklist.pdfAppendix B - Utility Checklist10/2/2017 9:22 AM70 KB
Appendix C - Schedule Planner Worksheet.pdfAppendix C - Schedule Planner Worksheet6/1/2017 8:14 AM183 KB
Appendix D - Sample Pre-design Agenda.pdfAppendix D - Sample Pre-design Agenda6/1/2017 8:14 AM133 KB
Appendix E - Suggested CEI Contract Outline.pdfAppendix E - Suggested CEI Contract Outline12/15/2021 1:30 PM65 KB
Appendix F - Suggested Agenda for Set-up Meeting.pdfAppendix F - Suggested Agenda for Set-up Meeting6/1/2017 8:15 AM43 KB
Appendix G - Summary of Guidelines for 2059.pdfAppendix G - Summary of Guidelines for 20596/1/2017 8:15 AM56 KB
Construction Engineering.pdfConstruction Engineering6/1/2017 8:48 AM356 KB
Engineering.pdfEngineering10/16/2018 8:41 AM1910 KB
FAQs.pdfFAQs12/20/2017 2:03 PM388 KB
LPA Manual.pdfLPA Manual10/16/2018 8:58 AM1440 KB
Planning.pdfPlanning5/31/2017 7:21 AM123 KB